This film will be presented by San Carlos School District's Safe Routes to School program, the City of San Carlos Parks & Rec Department, and local bikes/wheels advocacy coalition, San Carlos Bikes.
Here's an excerpt from a review by Outside Magazine of the movie:
"Motherload is the story of one woman’s emancipation from the drudgery of the carpool, the drop-off line, the grocery run, but it’s ultimately an aspirational look into a global movement of alternative parenting. Cargo bikers are a pared-down version of #vanlife or #tinyhome devotees, who sell their houses and possessions to live with less. You may not be able to live in your cargo bike, but you can live on it.
And therein lies the film’s deeper appeal. What if it’s possible for the humble cargo bike to rewrite the script for beleaguered American parents? Could a two-wheeled revolution be the antidote to our increasingly sedentary, tech-driven, risk-averse indoor lifestyle?
These are lofty claims, and Motherload stops just short of making them. It doesn’t need to. The movie’s enthusiasm for biking is contagious, and by the time the credits roll, you’ll be crunching numbers and fantasizing about selling your car and becoming a cargo convert, just like Canning. “I love my life!” she exclaims. It’s a sentiment echoed by almost everyone in the film. Bicycling might be the answer to much that ails us, but at its heart, it’s freedom on two wheels, a pure embodiment of joy, and quite possibly the closest we grown-ups can get to being kids again."
Schedule of Events:
6:30pm -- Bike-themed Art Project for kids
6:45pm -- Movie begins (adults & kids welcome)
8:15pm -- Discussion / Q&A
Kid-friendly! Child supervision & Art project facilitation by Youth Center Staff.
This Film Screening is for:
--Anyone seeking inspiration to adopt a more "active transportation" lifestyle
--Citizens wanting to help San Carlos reach its Climate Change Goals*
--Individuals & Families of all ages & stages welcome, with or without children
Free, no cost of admission (Suggested donation $2/family)
More details:
Please RSVP here:
(Let us know how many kids will be joining you)
*San Carlos’ 2009 Climate Action Plan goals include reducing our greenhouse emissions levels 15% by 2020 and 35% by 2030. One of the adopted reduction measures is to "actively promote walking and biking as safe modes of local travel.”