Academics » Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)


As part of the State’s funding model known as Local Control Funding Formula, school districts are required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), using a template adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE). The LCAP is required to identify goals and measure progress for student subgroups across multiple performance indicators. The LCAP elements include stakeholder engagement, goals and progress indicators, and actions, services and expenditures. Goals and actions must be included for at least the following areas:

  • Basic Services
  • Implementation of State Standards
  • Parent Involvement
  • Pupil Achievement
  • Pupil Engagement
  • School Climate
  • Course Access
  • Other Pupil Outcomes


SCSD’s LCAP plan will be aligned with the Strategic Plan and will be posted here at the end of each school year.

2024- 2027 Local Control Accountability Plan

The final draft of the 2024-25 SCSD SMCOE Approved Local Control Accountability Plan was adopted by the SCSD Board of Education at its regular board meeting on June 13, 2024, and can be found on pages 38-115. The attached document also includes the Budget Overview for Parents on pages 1-4, and the 2023-24 LCAP Annual Update on pages 4-37.

In accordance with LCAP requirements, questions raised during the public hearing, which was held on June 6, 2024, must be responded to by the Superintendent or designee and posted on the District’s website. There were no questions raised during the public hearing.



2023-24 Local Control Accountability Plan

The final draft of the SCSD 2023-24 SCSD Local Control Accountability Plan was adopted by the SCSD Board of Education at its regular board meeting on June 15, 2023, and has also been approved by the San Mateo County Office of Education Superintendent of Schools.  The attached document also includes the Budget Overview for Parents on pages 1-4.


In accordance with LCAP requirements, questions raised during the public hearing, which was held on June 8, 2023, must be responded to by the Superintendent or designee and posted on the District’s website. There were no questions raised during the public hearing.

The 2022-23 Local Control Accountability Plan was revised based on feedback in this clarification table from the San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE), and has been approved by the SMCOE Board. 

The final draft of the SCSD 2022-23 Local Control Accountability Plan was adopted by the SCSD Board of Education at its regular board meeting on June 16, 2022.  The attached document also includes the Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021-22 LCAP and Budget Overview for Parents.

In accordance with LCAP requirements, questions raised during the public hearing, which was held on June 9, 2022, must be responded to by the Superintendent or designee and posted on the District’s website. There were no questions raised during the public hearing.

2021-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan

The 2021-24 Local Control Accountability Plan was revised based on feedback in this clarification table from the San Mateo County Office of Education and submitted for approval by the SMCOE Board on September 15, 2021. 


The final draft of the 2021-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) was adopted by the SCSD Board of Education at its regular board meeting on June 17, 2021.  The attached document also includes the 2019-20 and 2020-21 Annual Updates and the 2021-22 Budget Overview for Parents.


In accordance with LCAP requirements, questions raised during the public hearing, which was held on June 10, 2021, must be responded to by the Superintendent or designee and posted on the District’s website. There were no questions raised during the public hearing.


ESSER III Expenditure Plan

School districts, county offices of education, or charter schools that receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds under the American Rescue Plan Act, referred to as ESSER III funds, are required to develop a plan for how they will use their ESSER III funds. Staff created an inclusive LCAP engagement process to receive input about student, staff, and site needs to determine the most impactful ways to budget funds to support the full return to in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year. SCSD used the LCAP process to develop priorities not only for the LCAP itself, but also for the State Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant, the State In Person Instruction Grant, and the Federal Elementary and Secondary School Relief (ESSER) II and III Funds. The SCSD ESSER III Expenditure Plan was approved by the Board on October 7, 2021, and updated on October 29, 2021, based on feedback from SMCOE.

2020-21 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan and Budget Overview for Parents

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, State Legislators passed Senate Bill 98 (SB-98) to establish the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (Learning Continuity Plan or LCP) requirements for the 2020–21 school year. The Learning Continuity Plan is intended to balance the needs of all stakeholders, including educators, parents, students and community members, while both streamlining engagement and condensing several pre-existing plans,  The Learning Continuity and Attendance plan replaces the Local Control Accountability Plan for the 2020–21 school year.  The district's Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan was approved at the Board's regular meeting on September 24, 2020. As part of the 2020-21 accountability model, the LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (BOP) is tied to the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP).  The BOP must be presented as part of an LEA's First Interim Budget report, and adopted at a regular board meeting.  The 2020-21 SCSD BOP was adopted at the regular board meeting on December 3, 2020. The Budget Overview for Parents provides a user-friendly overview of the budget for parents and stakeholders that corresponds with the LCP.


2020 COVID-19 Operations Report

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-56-20.  This order requires that all LEAs complete a written COVID-19 Operations Report by June 30, 2020, in place of a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), for which the approval date has been extended to December 15, 2020.  The purpose of the report is to explain the changes to program offerings that the LEA has made in response to school closures to address the COVID-19 emergency, the major impacts of such closures on students and families, and a description of how the LEA is meeting the needs of its unduplicated students (English Learners, Foster Youth and Low-Income Students). The district's COVID-19 Operations Report was approved at the Board's regular June 18, 2020 meeting.




The final draft of the 2019-2020 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) was adopted by the SCSD Board of Education at its regular board meeting on June 13, 2019, and the San Mateo County Office of Education on September 25, 2019.  


In accordance with LCAP requirements, questions raised during the public hearing, which was held on June 6, 2019, must be responded to by the Superintendent or designee and posted on the District’s website. There were no questions raised during the public hearing.


The final 2018-2019 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) was adopted by the SCSD Board of Education at its regular board meeting on June 14, 2018.  In accordance with LCAP requirements, questions raised during the public hearing must be responded by the Superintendent and posted on the District’s website. 

During the LCAP public hearing on June 7, 2018, the following questions were raised regarding the district’s plan to temporarily house SMART-E childcare in the Heather Multi-Use Room (MUR) during the 2018-2019 school year. In accordance with LCAP requirements, Interim Superintendent Doerpinghaus provided responses below.

Question:  Is it in compliance with LCAP to use the MUR for SMART-E?


Answer:  The LCAP provides a vehicle for stakeholder input regarding district priorities and the use of LCFF funding. While the LCAP considers facilities in support of a positive school climate and our Strategic Plan, it does not specify rules about how facilities are used. The district values community input during the LCAP process and throughout the school year, and we seek to build partnerships with parents. The questions raised during the public hearing will be included in the stakeholder input section of the LCAP.

Question: How can we come up with a solution that fits childcare needs and also our community needs?


Answer:  Heather Principal, Pam Jasso, is working closely with district and SMART-E staff as well as school staff and parents to identify needs and mitigate impacts in order to ensure that current school and enrichment activities can continue in the 2018-2019 school year in support of a positive school climate, including the chess program, while also serving our families with childcare needs.


Question:  Are we able to pause and keep things as status quo in order to get input from the community and consider creative solutions that suit the needs of everyone involved?


Answer:  At this point, we are moving forward with the plan to use the Heather MUR for SMART-E in the 2018-2019 school year; however, Principal Jasso will continue to work with staff and parents to evaluate needs and options in preparation for the 2018-2019 school year.  

2017-2018 LCAP 
The 2017-2018 Approved Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) was approved by the Board at the June 22, 2017 Regular Board Meeting.